quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

it's all about me

this is about who i am and what i want it's not about who you are and what you want.
you always think everything i write is about you but it's not.
it's all about me.
so don't get upset and say that i misunderstand you because it's not your words i'm writing it's mine.
i don't care about you and i don't care what you want - just shut up and listen.
and i'll leave some space at the end so you can write who you are and what you think you want.
at times i may write about my feelings towards you and what i think about you - but don't get excited it's still about me and how i feel - i'm just trying to make you understand.

who i am and what i want
david shrigley

2 comentários:

  1. Pois é amiga viu lá?! Gostou?! Vai ser cliente VIP né?! Te dou desconto tá?! hauishaisa
    tá arrasando nos textos aqui também hein!

  2. Arrumei meu título só por causa tá. Pra não dizer que fico usando paint por aí! ahsuiahsiuhauisa
